• Wednesday, February 12, 2025


This is a special invitation for you to become a member of The Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Section of The Florida Bar! 

Membership in the Section will provide you with interesting and informative ideas. It will help keep you informed on new developments in this field through its publication and numerous educational opportunities. As a Section member you will have opportunities to meet with lawyers sharing similar interests and problems and work with them in forwarding the public and professional needs of the Bar.

Members also receive (a) a discount on the registration fee for CLE seminars sponsored by the Section and (b) a subscription to the Section’s quarterly magazine, ActionLine.

To Join: 

For Current Florida Bar members:
Current members of The Florida Bar wishing to apply to join the RPPTL Section can do so on-line by logging onto their Florida Bar Members portal.

For New Florida Bar members:
All new members of The Florida Bar are eligible for a complimentary one-year membership to this Section, as indicated on the fee statement that is received at time of admission. If you need further assistance obtaining your complimentary membership, contact Membership Services at The Florida Bar at 850-561-5832.

For Law School Students:
Law school students are invited to join the Section at the reduced annual dues of $20.00. Simply complete the Law Student Membership Application and submit it as directed. For more information about becoming involved in the Section, contact the chair of the Law School Mentoring and Programming Committee.

*(Please Note: The Florida Bar dues structure does not provide for prorated dues. Your Section dues covers the period from July 1 to June 30.)