• Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Probate & Trust

Attorney/Trust Officer Liaison Conference

The Committee's task is to plan, organize and undertake all necessary and appropriate activities associated with the annual Attorney Trust Officer Liaison Conference, including arranging for communications with participants, selecting speakers, arranging social functions at the Conference, obtaining sponsors and exhibitors, and ensuring that the conference provides both outstanding educational and social opportunities and fosters a positive and productive relationship between attorneys and fiduciaries.

If you are interested in becoming a Committee member, please contact the Chair.


Date: Thursday July 31, 2025 - Saturday August 2, 2025 at The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida

Want to be a sponsor for this event? Email Gail Fagan or Eamonn Gunther at fagang@NYPBT.com or eamonn@egestate.law

Steering Committees:
Special thanks to these individuals for their dedicated service to the conference.

Program Chair
Eamonn W. Gunther, Boca Raton

Mitchell A. Hipsman, Aventura 
Vice Chairs
Stacey L. Cole, Winter Park
Gail G. Fagan, Winston-Salem, NC
Michael M. Rubenstein, Naples
Kim A. Bald, Bradenton
Sean M. Lebowitz, Boca Raton
Debra Lynn Boje, Tampa
Tattiana Stahl, Boca Raton
Speaker Coordinators
Alisa Heedy, Sarasota
Diana Bauer, Jacksonville
Sara Harmon, Delray
Fiduciary Sponsors and Exhibitors
Gail Fagan, Sarasota 
Stacey Cole, Winter Park
Michael Rubenstein, Naples
Vaughn Yeager, Delray Beach
David Heedy, Sarasota 
Law Firm Sponsors
Kimberly Bald, Bradenton
Gentry Byrnes, St. Petersburg
Brian Trimyer, Bradenton
Rafaela Vianna, Miami
Sean Lebowitz, Boca Raton 
Mark Middlebrook, North Venice
Paul Roman, Boca Raton
Andrew Thompson, Orlando
Special Projects
David Heedy, Sarasota
Continuing Education Credits
Chuck Runge, Bal Harbour
Barry McKenzie, Naples
Tattiana Stahl, Boca Raton
Jennifer Rodriguez, Miami
Tech and Website
Jesse Friedman, Miami
David Heedy, Sarasota