• Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Readers are invited to submit material for publication concerning real estate, probate, estate planning, estate and gift tax, guardianship, and Section members’ accomplishments. We also accept paid advertising from outside vendors.

ARTICLES: Forward any proposed article or news of note to the Co-Editors-in-Chief, Michael Bedke at michael.bedke@dlapiper.com, and Erin Farrington Finlen at erin@estatelaw.com. Below are links to guidelines and a form you may find helpful.

Writing and Editing Guidelines

ActionLine Magazine Article Cover Sheet

USE OF ARTICLES AFTER PUBLICATION: An author that submits an article to ActionLine keeps his/her copyright but upon submission grants a license to ActionLine for exclusive original publication and may re-publish his/her article but only after the Section members have received the hardcopy issue containing the article and such re-publication must include a statement as follows:

This article was originally published in the …[state season], 20….., issue of ActionLine, a Florida Bar Real Property, and Trust Law Section publication.

ADVERTISING: For information on advertising, please contact Colleen Schuster at c_schuster@comcast.net. Below is a link to rates and discounts.

ActionLine Advertising Rates and Discounts

ActionLine Standard Advertising Contract

PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: If you have a photo of a “reptile,” a Florida scene, or other interesting subject matter that you’d like to have considered for the cover, please send it to Michael Bedke at michael.bedke@dlapiper.com or Colleen Schuster at c_schuster@comcast.net. 

The deadlines for all submissions are as follows:

Issue Date
Fall July 15
Winter October 15
Spring January 15
Summer April 15