Alliant National Title Insurance – First Time SponsorDonna More, Esq. Oviedo, FL dmore@alliantnational.com407.901.9100
Attorneys’ Real Estate Councils of FloridaRene Rutan RRutan@thefund.com407.240.3863
Attorneys’ Title Fund, LLC (The Fund)Melissa Murphy Orlando, FL mmurphy@thefund.com407-240-3863
BNY Mellon Wealth ManagementJoan Crain Fort Lauderdale, FL joan.crain@bnymellon.com954.343.9117
Business Valuation Analysts, Inc.Tim Bronza Orlando, FL tbronza@bvanalysts.com407.599.2825
CATICDeb Boyd Port St. Lucie, FL dboyd@catic.com772.284.6612
Yuly Lopez Coral Gables, FL 786.497.1212
First American Title Insurance CompanyAlan McCall Maitland, FL Amccall@firstam.com866.403.6816
Len Prescott Miami, FL 305.908.6252
Grove Bank and TrustMarta Goldberg Miami, FL MGoldberg@GroveBankandTrust.com305.860.2716
Kravit Estate AppraisalBianca Morabito Boca Raton, FL bianca@kravitestate.com561.961.0992
Management Planning, Inc.Roy Meyers Lawrenceville, NJ rmeyers@mpival.com609.924.4200
Northern TrustTami Conetta Sarasota, FL tfc1@ntrs.com941.329.2717